Friday, January 22, 2010

Primal Attraction: Why MMA Fighters Get Hot Women

Ever notice the insane amount of hot women at an MMA event? If not, you should really check out one of these fighting events, even if you don’t like MMA. I noticed this at several local fights that I have attended; the women are gorgeous, in a slutty kinda way. My friend calls them “Testosterone Whores”. Despite his crude description of them, he was right, even the banged up fighters with gnarly cauliflower ear got hot chicks. I couldn’t help asking myself - Why are women attractive to these caveman like males? Since caveman days, the only part of the brain which has continuously evolved is the logical part. Yes, that means the same primal and emotional brain we have today are the same brains we had 10,000 years ago. Living in modern times one can argue that humans are out of date machines since the emotional and primal brains still respond to the same things they did 10,000 years ago.

The reason we advance as a society is because of the continual development of our logical brain which solves problems and initiates new ideas; however we still have the emotional and primal up there too. Civilized/controlled people tend to rely on their logical brain and control their emotions, but not everyone can do that. Look at the prison population – a lot of those people have poorly developed logical brains and tend to act first then think later (primal and emotional response).

are probably wondering how this all ties into attraction. For men and women we have build in 10,000 year old circuitry hard wired into us. In short it all comes down to survival and replication value. Women evaluate a mans survival value as a man evaluates a woman’s replication value. Women intuitively know if a man has high survival value or not. And who in society has a higher survival value than elite or even moderately advanced MMA fighter. These signs are made apparent by the way a man carries himself (body language), vocal tone, and status. For example, just look at Brock Lesner, what a Neanderthal, but his wife is hot. Now, as looks are always a bonus, but they are not the deal maker, as a man with what I just mentioned will often be perceived to have higher value then a man with just looks alone. Look at Tony Soprano – do you have any idea how many women think he is sexy? Think about it. This is also partly why in some relationships women will put up with men cheating etc. These guys have high survival value and have tripped the woman’s evolutionary attraction switches! When a woman feels attraction it’s not like she can just shut it off. Attraction is not a choice.

Increase you survival value and get MMA type hotties here: MMA Supplements

About the Author:

Dr. Kevin Moseley has been involved with health and nutrition for over 20 years. He has written many articles on such topics as Nutritional Supplements, Bodybuilding supplements, weightlifting supplements, vitamins and minerals to name a few. He is also an onsite doctor for many sanctioned MMA and boxing events in United State. Dr. Moseley is a contributor in Sport Supplements, American Cage Fighter, and VitaHealth magazines to name a few.

Article Source: - Primal Attraction: Why MMA Fighters Get Hot Women

Author: Brawl Nutrition

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me.
